The Bible Says:
And he said to them, "Suppose one of you has a friend, and you go to him at midnight and say to him, "Friend, lend me three loaves of bread; for a friend of mine has arrived, and I have nothing to set before him.' 7 And he answers from within, "Do not bother me; the door has already been locked, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot get up and give you anything.' I tell you, even though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, at least because of his persistence he will get up and give him whatever he needs.
Luke 11:5-8
The meditation today calls intercession..... praying for others as an act of self-giving love....
"In the ongoing work of God, intercessory prayer is of prime importance." They need what only God can give...these words come from Love to Pray our devotional for this Lenten season
When you read the passage above, one friend is going to another friend in order to help someone who has come to him in the middle of the night needing something the first friend does not have. This scenario rings truth for so many people I know. It takes courage to go asking for someone else.
As a mental health professional, I often find myself in the role of an advocate. I am committed to advocacy for the people I serve because so many of them (especially the children) have no voice. I advocate for them because, I am so grateful for what God has done for me.
When I intercede in prayer for others, I am acknowledging God's sovereign power over them and I'm acknowledging my own weakness.
This weekend I was honored to be in a prayer conference with Dr VanderGriend He encouraged participants to pray 5 blessings 5 minutes a day over 5 people 5 days a week!!! What a difference this can make in our neighborhood, or nation, our world!!!!
Lord, strengthen me to come to you not just for myself, but for others as well. Amen.
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