This Blog is being written as my daily response to the study and meditation of the book Love to Pray by Dr. Alvin VanderGriend .
Our Church, Hamilton Park United Methodist Church is involved in a church-wide study of prayer during this Lenten season. Our Pastor is leading this initiative and encouraging the church to "become a house of prayer"
Several people at the church have formed small groups, classes, ect to discuss this book. I am beginning to cherish the quiet moments in my life; so I am using the quiet times to time spent with the Lord and write.
Perhaps then, this blog is more like a journal of my daily reaction to the teachings,
The book Love to Pray is divided into daily short meditations sharing the author's insights into concepts related to prayer.
I am writing and sharing with my social media friends/followers my response to each daily reading/meditation.,
I am posting each blogpost as I read and meditate on them.
You can read more about me and my interest here
Throughout the blogpost, I often quote Dr. VanderGriend, or the authors of the book Love to Pray. I want to give full credit and citation to them for the awesome insightful book.